Soviet artists painting war 1941-1945

Soviet artists painting war 1941-1945. SV Gerasimov (1885-1964). Mother of Partizan. 1943. Oil on canvas. State Tretyakov Gallery
Soviet artists painting war 1941-1945
Early in morning of 22 June 1941 the Soviet people were shocked by the message of the treacherous attack of the fascist hordes on the USSR. On the second day of the war in the streets of Moscow appeared a poster by Kukryniksy “Mercilessly crush and destroy the enemy!”. Immediately after the war, the Soviet artists, together with all the people were ready to defend our homeland. Artists worked in different directions: they produced political posters, inspiring the Soviet people to the act of bravery.

AP Tkachev and SP Tkachev (Moscow region). May of 1945. 1980-1981. From a series of paintings about the Great Patriotic War. Canvas, oil
Soviet artists painting war 1941-1945

Kukryniksy (Kupriyanov, Krylov, Sokolov). END. (The last days of Hitler’s Reich Chancellery in the dungeon), 1947-1948. Canvas, oil

Kukryniksy (Kupriyanov, Krylov, Sokolov). END. (The last days of Hitler’s Reich Chancellery in the dungeon), 1947-1948. fragment

PP Sokolov-Skalya (1899-1962). The heroes of Krasnodon. 1948. Oil on canvas. State Tretyakov Gallery

P.A. Krivonogov. Defenders of Brest Fortress. 1954. Oil on canvas. Central Museum of the Armed Forces
Soviet artists painting war 1941-1945
scanned from illustrated album “The Glory of these days will never pass 1918-1968”
Publisher Soviet Artist, Moscow, 1968