Soviet Art

USSR Culture

Soviet Russian artist Mikhail Davidovich Natarevich

Painting by Soviet Russian artist Mikhail Davidovich Natarevich (September 29, 1907 – February 23, 1979)

At the old apple tree. 1977. Oil, canvas. Painting by Soviet Russian artist Mikhail Davidovich Natarevich (September 29, 1907 – February 23, 1979)

Soviet Russian artist Mikhail Davidovich Natarevich
Born September 29, 1907 in Vitebsk, Natarevich received his first art education in Vitebsk, in the studio of Yu. Peng, a painter and teacher who graduated from the Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg. Natarevich – Russian Soviet artist, painter, member of the Leningrad organization of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR. In 1932 he came to Leningrad and entered the preparatory classes at the All-Russian Academy of Arts. And two years later he became a student of the painting faculty of the Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I. Repin. His teachers in drawing were M. Bernstein and S. Abugov, and teacher in painting – Alexander Savinov.

Soviet Russian artist Mikhail Davidovich Natarevich (September 29, 1907 – February 23, 1979)

A visit of Vladimir Lenin to the first Sanatorium for workers in St. Petersburg. 1946. Painting by Soviet Russian artist Mikhail Davidovich Natarevich (September 29, 1907 – February 23, 1979)

In 1940 he graduated from the Institute, the workshop of famous Soviet artist Boris Ioganson. In July 1940, he became a lecturer at the Department of Drawing of the Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, Natarevich – in the active army, participates in battles on the Karelian front as commander of a communications platoon. After demobilization he taught at the drawing department of the Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Also, from 1955 to 1956 he teaches drawing at the Leningrad Higher School of Industrial Art named after VI Mukhina.

Soviet Russian artist Mikhail Davidovich Natarevich

Beach. 1974

Beach. 1974

Natarevich became a permanent participant of city, republican and All-union exhibitions of Soviet Art (since 1947). He painted genre and historical-revolutionary compositions, portraits and landscapes. He worked in the technique of oil and tempera painting. Meanwhile, the artist’s recognizable individual handwriting style formed in the early 1960s. Its distinctive features are the generalization of form and color, the general enhancement of decorative art and special attention to the plastic expressiveness of the composition.

Noteworthy, the works of Natarevich are in the State Russian Museum. Also, in other museums and private collections in Russia, Britain, Germany, France, the USA and other countries.

Citizen. 1946. Oil, canvas

Citizen. 1946. Oil, canvas

Elections in the village. 1975

Elections in the village. 1975

Evening toilet. 1962

Evening toilet. 1962

Leaving hospital

Leaving hospital

Motherhood. 1974

Motherhood. 1974

On the bridge. 1957

On the bridge. 1957

Revival, 1947

Revival, 1947

Revival. 1951

Revival. 1951

Sketch. Elections in the village. 1975

Sketch. Elections in the village. 1975

Soviet Russian artist Mikhail Davidovich Natarevich

Soviet Russian artist Mikhail Davidovich Natarevich

Spring. 1972. Oil, hardboard

Spring. 1972. Oil, hardboard

Students on the bridge. 1954

Students on the bridge. 1954

Washing linen at the river

Washing linen at the river


Minutes of rest (Workers). Oil, canvas

Youth. 1957. Oil, canvas

Youth. 1957. Oil, canvas