Soviet Azerbaijani artist Farhad Khalilov

Sunset in Buzovny. 1973-1974. Oil on canvas. Property of artist. Soviet Azerbaijani artist Farhad Khalilov
Soviet Azerbaijani artist Farhad Khalilov
Generation of Soviet Azerbaijani painters to which Farhad Khalilov (b. 1946) belongs, began his career with a sense of gratitude to his senior colleagues. Tahir Salahov and Tofig Javadov, each in its own way, discovered the painting world of industry people, stern, and reserved. In the sixties, the concept of “Soviet Azerbaijani school of painting” has acquired a new meaning. It has been widely accepted outside the republic as a significant and independent phenomenon. In the canvases of Farhad Khalilov, we also immediately feel the internal relationship with these new traditions of Azerbaijani painting. And in the understanding of color, and in a hidden but undeniable sense of decoration, and the temperamental brush.
Khalilov began studying at the Stroganov School of Industrial Art, then, after a long break, he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Printing. And at the same time, perhaps, never seriously intended to leave for any applied arts, or in the book, and all the time was drawing, studying and perfecting the craft of the painter.
Lessons of exhibitions and museums, visits to workshops of a variety of Soviet artists – have become a good professional school for Khalilov in Moscow. His temperament was interested in painting of Konchalovsky and Mashkov. He later became interested in fine harmony of Drevin pictures. And, of course, “his” artists were Renato Guttuso and Mexican monumentalists. They were perceived as something very clear and close. The severity of the Mexican weathered highlands, sun-seared Sicily by Guttuso were largely akin to the nature of Azerbaijan.
This workshop of Khalilov – little seaside village. He’s been there in the height of summer, when the quiet villages as if by magic, transformed into resorts crowded with motley multicolored discordant beaches. And at the usual, “quiet” time, he is here alone, or among fishermen and hereditary farmers.
Etudes, landscapes, paintings by Farhad Khalilov, today, after almost fifty years of experience in the painting, we “read” like pages of the diary of the artist.
Participation in exhibitions of Soviet art:
1967 National Art Exhibition, Baku
1968 Republican art exhibition dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Young Communist League, Baku; Republican art exhibition “Defending the Motherland”, Baku
1969 Republican exhibition of landscape, Baku
1970 Republican art exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Lenin’s birth, Baku
1971 National Art Exhibition for the 50th anniversary of the Azerbaijan SSR, Baku
1972 Exhibition of works by artists of the Azerbaijan SSR, Armenian SSR, and Georgian SSR, Moscow, Central Exhibition Hall;
Exhibition of works of Azerbaijani artists, Romania
1973 Exhibition of works by young artists of the republics of Transcaucasia, Baku – Tbilisi – Yerevan; Exhibition of works of F. Khalilov (painting) and Smirnov (graphics), Moscow, Editorial “Youth” magazine
1972-1973 Republican art exhibition dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the USSR, Baku
1974 All-Union Art Exhibition “In the home country”, Moscow
Republican art autumn exhibition, Baku
1975 Republican art exhibition “30 Years of Victory”, Baku
1976 “In Spain,” an exhibition of works by F. Khalilov, the Union of Societies for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Moscow
Soviet Azerbaijani artist Farhad Khalilov
Illustrated album “Farhad Khalilov”. Series “New Names”. Soviet artist. Moscow. 1977