Lupanova Elizaveta Nikolaevna – artist of figurine painting

Lupanova Elizaveta Nikolaevna artist.
Lupanova Elizaveta Nikolaevna (1910-1973) – artist of figurine painting. Leningrad Porcelain Factory.
She was born in the town of Detskoye Selo (now Pushkin, formerly Tsarskoye Selo). Having quite good drawing abilities, she already knew from her school years in which direction she would receive professional education. In the late 1920s, she entered the ceramics department of the Leningrad Art and Industrial College. After receiving her diploma in 1931, she began her creative path as an artist in the Izobretatel artel. In 1932, she changed her place of work and for two years improved her artistic skills in the Household Commune of the Theater of Working Youth (“TRAM”). In 1937, fate linked Lupanova with the legendary Leningrad Porcelain Factory (LPF), where she painted porcelain products before the Great Patriotic War.

Negress reading a book USSR, Leningrad Porcelain Factory (LPF), I.N. Nikonova, painted by E.N. Lupanova. 1967.
In 1942, Elizaveta Nikolaevna experienced the loss of her husband at the front, and at the end of 1942, she was evacuated with her mother and daughter to the city of Barnaul in the Altai Territory. Here she managed to work two jobs: as a teacher in a kindergarten and as an artist at the Pravda iron foundry.

Figure On the sketch 1956.
After the breakthrough of the Leningrad blockade, in October 1944, Lupanova returned to her work at the LPF, where until the end of the 1960s she made her feasible contribution to the creation of the golden fund of Soviet porcelain, occasionally trying herself as a sculptor. Being a leading specialist of the plant’s art laboratory, Lupanova became the author of samples of painting of genre sculptures of such famous sculptors as N. Ya. Danko, E. A. Gendelman, I. L. Slonim, G. S. Stolbova, S. B. Velikhova, I. N. Nikonov and others. Elizaveta Nikolaevna took part in all exhibitions of the plant.

Girl with a kid 1939.

Figure “By the River. Bather” Leningrad Porcelain Factory named after M. V. Lomonosov. Model — 1958. 1959 Gendelman E. A. (author of the model) 1914, Narovlya, Mogilev Governorate – 1982, Leningrad Lupanova E. N. (author of the painting).

Figure “Border Guard at the Border Post” State Porcelain Factory named after M. V. Lomonosov (Leningrad), author of the model — K. S. Ryzhov, author of the painting — E. N. Lupanova. Mid-1930s

Welder. In Front of a Mirror. Leningrad Porcelain Factory named after Lomonosov, Lupanova E. N. Year 1962

Sculpture. Actor I. V. Ilyinsky as Khlestakov in N. V. Gogol’s comedy The Government Inspector. 1950s. Slonim I. L., Lupanova E. N.

Statuette. Vakula on the line. Based on the story by N. V. Gogol The Night Before Christmas. late 1950s. Vorobyov B. Ya., Lupanova E. N.