Miss USSR Famous Soviet weaver Dusya Vinogradova
Miss USSR Famous Soviet weaver Dusya Vinogradova
The initiator of the Vinogradov movement (Stakhanovite movement in the textile industry), in 1930 she was the symbol of the “new man.” Member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union since 1939.
Despite the fact that Dusya and Marusya Vinogradova installed the labor records together, often in the press and books focused only Dusya. And this is no accident: the whole Soviet country fell in love with this beautiful and charming girl. Besides, Soviet politician and prolific author on revolutionary theory Bukharin admired Dusya Vinogradova, calling her “new woman”. In addition, Parisian Soviet writer Ilya Ehrenburg was so excited about meeting with Dusya that published a “Letter to Dusya Vinogradova” in Bukharin “News”. However, a week later he had to repent before Stalin. Meanwhile, the foreign press generally presented Dusya Vinogradova as “Miss USSR” (for example: G. Friedrich, «Miss U.S.S.R .: The Story of a Girl Stakhanovite» New York, 1936). More than that, the cult of Dusya Vinogradova reached cinema. In particular, her image of Tanya Morozova depicted famous Soviet actress Lyubov Orlova in the film by Alexandrov “Shining Path” (1940).
Dusya Vinogradova (full name Evdokia Viktorovna Vinogradova) was born in Vichuga (now the Ivanovo region). After four years of school, in 1929 she entered the factory school, where she received the profession of weaver. In addition, she graduated from trade school and began working at the Vichuga textile factory. First, she worked with a set of 16 machines, and in 1933 moved to the “typical” service of 26 machines.
Noteworthy, an important milestone for the factory became the All-Union competition for the best development of automatic weaving machines “Northrop”. Of course, Dusya has mastered it, and demanded to work on a bigger set of machines. Meanwhile, Soviet experts, who returned from a trip to America, said that there factory weavers work with 70-80 machines simultaneously. As a result, the factory management created a set of 70 automatic machines. Accordingly, they entrusted to work on this set to Vinogradova. In fact, 70 machines became all-union record.
In August 1935, shift partner of Dusya Vinogradova became Marusya Vinogradova, thus appeared the celebrated tandem of weavers. Meanwhile, All-Union newspaper “Pravda” published an article on September 6, 1935 about “Soviet heroe” Alexei Stakhanov and his record. Accordingly, it was decided to publish also the information about glorious weavers Dusya and Marusya Vynohradova. So, on September 12 Soviet people have learned about a national record of service looms made on Vichugsky factory. It was the day, when, as they say, the girl woke up famous.
October 1, 1935 weavers Vinogradova set a world record in productivity, going from 70 to 100. And just for 15 October, at a meeting in the Kremlin with Chairman of People’s Commissars of the USSR VM Molotov Dusya promised to operate 140 machines.
In the textile industry began to gain pace Vynohradov movement: there were hundreds of followers across the country. However, Vinogradova was too ambitious to give up. “If there will be workers who will operate 144 machines, then we will move on to 150, if someone declares that goes to 150, then we will take 200 machines. We have a record and will not give it to anyone!”. This was the speech of Dusya Vinogradova at the First All-Union Conference of workers Stakhanovists.
At the end of 1935 weavers Vinogradova, as well as their rivals Tasia Odintsova and Irina Lapshina received the highest award of the country – the Order of Lenin. At last the name of Evdokia Vinogradova in the USSR stood in one line with the name of Stakhanov. In addition, instead of “Stakhanov movement”, talked about “Stakhanov-Vinogradov movement.” Besides, in 1930s it was a symbol of the “new Soviet man”.
Meanwhile, in 1941 Dusya Vinogradova graduated from the Moscow Industrial Academy, and became engineer. Of course, her career moved up. First, she worked as the chief of department of technical control on the native plant. After the outbreak of war, evacuated to Tashkent, she became the deputy chief engineer of a local factory. However, in September 1942 returned to Moscow, becoming deputy director of Semenovskaya dyeing and finishing factory, and then director of Rostokinsk textile and knitting factory.
Miss USSR Famous Soviet weaver Dusya Vinogradova died September 7, 1962 from lung disease, buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery.
Miss USSR Famous Soviet weaver Dusya Vinogradova

Mosaic stele ‘Marching ahead’ (dedicated to weavers Vinogradov, 1973) author S.Tumakov. Vichuga, Ivanovo Oblast
Soviet era magazines and newspapers