Soviet Russian actress Marianna Vertinskaya
There is some kind of magic and mysterious charm in the past 1960s of the USSR, its cinema and art. Call it what you like, but it’s true. There are actors (they are quite a bit), who themselves are regarded as a work of art. Look at Soviet Russian actress Marianna Vertinskaya – beautiful woman, the daughter of a famous father. Congenital artistry, incomparable elegance on stage and in life. And yet – sparking excitement and wonder of live blue eyes. Most famous men of the time knelt down confessing their love for her – Andrey Tarkovsky, Andrey Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky, artist Lev Zbarsky, operators Georgy Rerberg and Alexander Knyazhinsky, architect Ilya Bylinkin, actor Boris Khmelnitsky, and more. Icon of style of the 1960s, Marianna Vertinskaya was born into a family of a famous chanson singer Alexander Vertinsky and Lidiya Vertinskaya – film and theater actress. The name Marianna was given to her by her mother after she had watched a Hollywood movie of Robin Hood, where Robin Hood’s beloved was called Marianna. Coincidentally, later one of the Marianna’s husbands – Boris Khmelnitsky played the role of Robin Hood in the Soviet film.
Soviet Russian actress Marianna Vertinskaya was born 28 July 1945 into a family of a famous chanson singer Alexander Vertinsky and Lidiya Vertinskaya – film and theater actress. The name Marianna was given to her after her mother had watched a Hollywood movie of Robin Hood, where Robin Hood’s beloved was called Marianna. Coincidentally, later one of the Marianna’s husbands – Boris Khmelnitsky played the role of Robin Hood in the Soviet film.
From the interview of Marianna Vertinskaya to
In 1967, Marianna graduated from the Theater School of Boris Shchukin. After graduation she worked in the Vakhtangov Theater. In 2005, she left the theater. In the film she debuted in 1961, in the role of Katya Bortashevich in the movie “Leap Year”. The well-known film works of Marianna Vertinskaya: Anya, main role in the film “I Am Twenty”, in which the actress managed to create a vivid image of a young heroine of the first years of the “thaw”.
People of the 1960s were very different, and they had a completely different life, other problems. But there was a time when Andrey Konchalovsky knelt in front of me, before my mom and assured in his huge love for me. And this does not mean that he decided to marry me. We just did not think about it, busy with our lives and our love.
And all around were wondering: Will two famous families of Vertinsky and Mikhalkov unite? (The fact is the families will become related some years later – through Nikita and Nastya. Nikita – younger brother of Andrey Konchalovsky, and Anastasia – younger sister of Marianna).
I was still a schoolgirl when I was first invited to play in a movie. They noticed me – a pretty, snub-nosed, freckled and ashen-haired – when I came with my mother to “Mosfilm”. My mom brought me to the film group, and there all were young: director Vladimir Kitaisky, screenwriter Gena Shpalikov, operator Savva Kulish, and others. Savva then told me: “When you came – blue eyes, freckles, – we all got up.” Gena ran to me immediately with the photo-test offer. My mom in a moment assessed the situation. She said: “No photo-test, goodbye!” She took me by the hand and we left. Later she explained: “These five guys are simply jaw dropped looking at you – there is nothing you have to spend time with them.”
I graduated from high school and entered the Plekhanov Institute, the merchandising department, but soon took back the documents. Then I entered the Institute of Foreign Languages – I was always good at English. But even there I studied for a day. I was attracted to the cinema. And then I was invited to a small role in the film of Efros “Leap Year”. Mom did not mind longer: First, I became an adult, and secondly, Anatoly Efros – a reliable, serious man.
And then there was the movie “I’m twenty years old” … Marlene Hutsiev started writing the script along with his co-author Felix Mironer and invited Gena Shpalikov to make the dialogue in the modern style. So, it was a new type of ragged and temperamental dialogue when characters could interrupt each other, without waiting for the end of the phrase. And in the conversation were touched lots of different topics. And then appeared a character with a complex character: quarrels with the father, leaving home and husband – in general, almost a bitch. For the first time I had such a type of character in the movie.
Khutsiev wanted not blonde heroine: I dyed hair a dark color, trimmed my long hair – in short, all I have altered. But Gerasimov looked and said: “It hit the bull’s eye!” Quickly they sewed me a jacket, scarf and almost immediately began to shoot.

Standing – Mikhail Romadin and Nikita Milhalkov, sitting Marianna Vertinskaya, Lev Zbarsky, Anastasia Vertinskaya
This film has become a landmark in my life – the first major role, and even familiarity with those who were destined to become my close friends – Nikolay Gubenko, Stanislav Lyubshin, Valentin Popov. And in the episode of the birthday of my heroine Anna starred Andrei Konchalovsky and Andrei Tarkovsky. The company was great. Gena Shpalikov was already known as genius, all of Moscow was singing his songs. Andrei Konchalovsky and Andrey Tarkovsky had already made their graduation short films and took prizes at international film festivals. And now Tarkovsky launched his first major film – “Ivan’s Childhood”. Barely acquainted with me, Tarkovsky offered me the role of a paramedic Masha. I refused, but he still could not believe it: “Is it you who doesn’t want to shoot in my film? And why? I am Tarkovsky.”
At first I perceived Konchalovsky more as Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov’s son. In general, and I was known, too, as the daughter of Alexander Vertinsky. In this capacity, I have caused the increased interest, and a real buzz prevailed on the site – to look at us came from all over the studio. At some point, I discovered that Konchalovsky was in love with me, and so was I.
We often came to Nikolina Gora – I and Andrey Konchalovsky, Andrei Tarkovsky and his wife Irma Rausch, Gena Shpalikov and Inna Gulaya … We walked, had fun, swam in summer and played volleyball, and Nikita Mikhalkov preferred horses galloping. Andrei and I were still inseparable. Passions were running such high, that the whole of Moscow gossiped about us. Often feast ended in a fight. Someone looked with interest at us with Inna Gulaya – and the fight began upon leaving the restaurant. And so passed month after month. In the end, my mother began to demand: “Stop playing games! If Konchalovsky is so in love with you – let him marry you. Once you have such passion!” I do not know what stopped Andrey.
And we did not want to think about it. But then my mother still insisted that I have to talk seriously with him. We met at the monument to Pushkin, I remember well that meeting and our conversation. “Andron, Mama says that if you are yelling about your love – it turns out, we should marry” – “Masha, if you want to…” – “My mother believes that in such cases, people get married.” – “You are welcome! Come on! “-” Then let’s decide with the wedding date … ” We chose the 24-th, I do not remember what month. He had to leave to shoot the film “First Teacher” in Kyrgyzstan.
Andrey’s favorite director was Kurosawa, he was attracted to the East. In Japan, it was impossible to go to shoot – he went to Kyrgyzstan. From time to time he phoned me, so did I, unaware that Andrey was already dating charming Natasha Arinbasarova. Finally, they got married. Of course, It was not easy to survive treason: I mourned, crying. It is now I understand: Yes, thank God, that Andrey did not marry me! I would be now in a long list of abandoned by him wives.
The fact that Tarkovsky was in love with me – that’s obvious. But he was married to Irma Rausch. But over time, things changed. It happened when he worked on the script of “Andrei Rublev”. It was the second film, to which Tarkovsky invited me, by that time a student at the Shchukin School. But I refused again. He was very angry: I have refused to appear in two of his films …
And then there was a story, typical for those years: most of us fell in love with each other, all fond of each other and sometimes cheated. Perhaps Andrei Tarkovsky in general was the only one among us who could not start an affair without feelings. What happened between us with Tarkovsky, was hardly an affair. Rather, I became for him at some point, fellow sufferer. We comforted each other. And as a result, we ended up in the same bed.
We did not advertise our relationship with Andrey Tarkovsky, we didn’t hide it too. We were always together in the companies. The bed was not considered the most important, more important was the communication in those years. If Tarkovsky had some kind of relationship with a woman, then he, a man of honor, considered it his duty to marry. And somehow I was with Max and Lena Shostakovich (son and daughter of Shostakovich) in the House of Composers. He was wearing a gray suit bought in Italy, when he traveled to the festival with “Ivan’s Childhood” – so elegant, poetic, neat … But still, leaving for Andrew I thought to be madness. We remained friends. The same friends as with Andrei Konchalovsky. When they both went with the film “Andrei Rublev” to the Cannes Film Festival, they brought gifts to me. Tarkovsky – a scarf, Konchalovsky – woven shoes with high heels. Later I wore these shoes without removing.
Then I had an affair with a graphic artist Lev Zbarsky, with whom I lived for about two years. First rented a dacha in Serebryany Bor, and then we moved to my mother’s apartment and located in the office of my father. Mum allowed. But Lev put his brushes and spread his works on my father’s table. And the heart of my mother couldn’t stand it: she could not endure any other man sitting at the desk of her late husband. Mama talked rude to Lev, and he began to collect things to leave, thinking that I would follow him. But I did not follow him, to which he was deeply offended, and he was right.
And after some time, I married a hereditary architect Ilya Bylinkin. Living with Ilya was joyful and challenging. His mother Valentina always dreamed of having a daughter, but gave birth to two boys – Ilya, and Maxim. So, when I gave birth to a daughter, Sasha, everyone was happy – finally appeared a girl in the family – Alexandra Bylinkina-Vertinskaya. I worked, and we didn’t have nanny, I did all work about the house. Due to these and other circumstances, often occurred quarrels.
Our daughter Sasha turned four, when I went to audition in Kishinev, and there met the operator Gosha Rerberg. After the “Mirror” and “the Noble Nest” about Rerberg all asserted: “Genius, genius, genius”. Besides, Ghosha was a charismatic and handsome, and we fell in love with each other. I immediately confessed to my husband. He tried to stop me, “I understand, but it will pass, and we have a child.” But I decided that I will not pass.
A happy life with Gosha Rerberg didn’t happen: he was terribly jealous and imagined betrayal everywhere. When drunk, he could beat me. He loved me – in his own way, sadistically. He sobbed, begged forgiveness and promised to never do it again … And then it all started again.
Boris Khmelnitsky saved me from Rerberg. He had been in love with me ever since the drama school. Boris was always somewhere nearby, we were friends. And after the next scandal with Gosha, Boris promised to hide me. All his friends from the Taganka Theater helped, including Vladimir Vysotsky. I then worked at the Vakhtangov Theater, so they took me after the performance, put into a car and drove to Boris. And I felt so good with him! Boris played the piano, his sister Louise sang something, and Vysotsky played the guitar, and everyone encouraged me: “Do not be afraid, we will not let hurt you!” Meantime, Rerberg was furious. The neighbors told: “He is sitting in the hallway with a knife in his hand.” One week, they say, he was sitting, waiting for me.
And soon I was pregnant. I got married to Boris Khmelnitsky, gave birth to the youngest daughter – Dasha … Together we spent two and a half years, but the family collapsed.
The longest time I had a marriage with Zoran Kazimirovich. He worked for the Yugoslav and Swiss firm. Yet this marriage ended when Zoran wanted to leave Russia. I could not go with him. I knew too well the experience of my father, Alexander Vertinsky and his departure from the country, which he considered an error and returned with my mother and three month-old daughter (me) in the midst of the war, in 1943. Cities were bombed, people were dying, and he rushed back, because he was a true patriot. And in every man I was looking for something like my dad, and fell in love with it. In Ilya – it is some inner decency, in Boris – crazy kindness, in someone – artistry.
Soviet Russian actress Marianna Vertinskaya