Soviet means excellent
Born in the USSR people remember this slogan “Soviet means excellent!”. This statement, formed in the second half of the 1930s, after the NEP (New Economic Policy), and the period of the first five-year plan and the collectivization came the period of industrial growth. By 1934-1935 has come a stage of stable expansion of the consumer market. Along with advertising exports, was gaining popularity advertising for domestic trade, created in the specialized art offices. Virtuoso poster artist A. Zelensky (1882-1942) is considered Patriarch of Soviet commercial posters. The same brilliant creative way is characteristic for a young Soviet artist-advertiser of the time A. Pobedinsky (1904-1979). They worked in parallel in commercial poster art – the ice cream advertisement, meat and dairy products, canned food, fruit juice and spirits. Advertising these products is striking in diversity.
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