Soviet military awards
Soviet Military Awards from Order of Lenin State History Museum. Principally new, radically different from the royal became Soviet premium system. The basis for its creation has prepared one of the first decrees of the Soviet Central Executive Committee and CPC (Council of People’s Commissars) dated 10 November 1917 “On the destruction of estates and civil ranks”, signed by Vladimir Lenin and Yakov Sverdlov. Premium system of the Soviet state did not emerge immediately. It developed gradually, and each new stage of the struggle against the enemies of the country and the building of socialism brought into this new system, complementing it. In the difficult early years of Soviet power red heroes were were given modest rewards – from a personal weapon and red trousers to simply thanks from the commander.

Order for Service to the Homeland in the Armed Forces of the USSR of the third degree. Established in 1974

Soviet military awards. 1 – Order of the Red Banner. Established in 1918, 2 – Order of the Red Banner, given during the second award
Battle honors of Soviet Republics:

1 – Order of the Red Banner of the Azerbaijan SSR. Established in 1920, 2 – Order of the Red Banner of the Armenian SSR. Established in 1921

5 – Red Military Order of Khorezm People Socialist Republic, 7 – The sign of the Order of the Red Banner of Khorezm PSR

The signs of the Order of the Red Star of the second and third degree, Bukhara People Socialist Republic
Soviet Military Badges and Signs of Honor:

Premium Signs ‘For the fight against Basmachi’ in Soviet republics of Central Asia. 10 – Award badge ‘Red warrior’ given from the name of the Central Executive Committee to distinguished themselves in battle with the counter-revolution

7 – Silver Star of Armenia – Award for Excellence in the struggle against counter-revolution in Soviet Armenia. 8 – Insignia of the Tajik Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic – a reward for participating in the defeat Basmachis in Tajikistan

The sign ‘Hero of the events of January 1918’ at the factory Arsenal in Kiev, which was awarded to the workers rebelled against the nationalist government

6 – The sign ‘Soldier of the Red Guards and the Red Partizan’, which was awarded to active participants in the revolution and civil war in connection with the October revolution 15 anniversary

1 – The sign ‘To the honest soldier of Karelian front’ – a reward for participating in the defeat of the White Finns in the late 1921 – early 1922’s. 2 – The sign ‘For excellent cutting’
Soviet Military Awards
The order of Lenin. Instituted in 1930:

1 – One of the projects of the Order of Lenin badge. 2-3 – the Order of Lenin Signs sample 1930 and 1936