Nostalgia for the great country
Nostalgia for the great country – the USSR, which we lost 25 years ago.
Looking through the comments on one of the most popular social sites, I’ve noticed that the more time passes, the more nostalgic sentiment appears in people born in the USSR. This publication – a tribute to the great country that we have lost. It was 25 years ago, the whole generation was raised not knowing about the Soviet way of life. And we understand people who can compare life in a modern society with the life in the USSR. Surprisingly, nostalgia for the Soviet Union is felt even among young people, who have never lived in the Soviet Union. Their arguments in favor of the USSR are inherited from parents and based on many other factors. The Soviet Union was a more efficient country in respect of social welfare, equality, confidence in the future than in today’s Russia. In the USSR was worshiped internationalism, the friendship of the peoples. People were kinder, morality and culture were at a higher level. Soviet society – a family-like society. Man to man was a friend, comrade and brother. Crime was much lower, salary was stable, and no unemployment. The TV did not show any rubbish. The idea united all, regardless of gender, race, nationality, and social status. There wasn’t a huge gap between people financially. There were wonderful inspirational Soviet films unsurpassed until now. Of course, this gives rise to Nostalgia for the great country.
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