Soviet Art

USSR Culture

Soviet artist Nikolay Belyayev 1916-2004

Soviet artist Nikolay Belyayev (28 May, 1916 - 18 December, 2004)

Happy. 1949. Painting by Soviet artist Nikolay Belyayev (28 May, 1916 – 18 December, 2004)

Soviet artist Nikolay Belyayev

Born in the city of Tsaritsyn, Nikolai Yakovlevich Belyaev showed his interest in drawing since childhood. First, he visited the private studio of the artist Durnao. Later, he studied at the Moscow State Academic Art School in memory of 1905 (1936-1940), workshops of PI Petrovichev, SI Frolov, GN Gorelov, and KI Finogenov. Then, he perfected his education in the Studio of Military Artists of M.B.Grekov (1939-1942).
Veteran of WWII, he was the correspondent of the front-line newspaper “Red Warrior” and the magazine Krasnoarmeets (1942). Participated in the fighting in the 16th Army. In 1942, seriously wounded, he lost his left hand. Perseverance and hard work helped him to continue his journey in art. He was awarded with orders: Patriotic War I degree, Labor Red Banner, Friendship of Peoples and medals “For Military Merit”, “For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War”, etc.

Soviet children

Soviet children. Painting by Soviet artist N. Belyayev (28 May, 1916 – 18 December, 2004)

The participant of exhibitions since 1941, he had 12 solo exhibitions during his life time. Besides, he was one of the founders of the Zagorsky branch and the Moscow Regional Organization of Artists (1943). Member of the Union of Soviet Artists (1945). Member of the Audit Commission of the RSFSR CX (1961-1965), Chairman of the Board of the Moscow Regional Organization of the USSR Union of Artists (1951-54, 1959-61), Member of the Board of the Moscow Regional Organization of the USSR Union of Artists. In addition, he was a Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Association of Moscow artists (1947-1951).

Soviet artist Nikolay Belyayev

Autumn still life

Autumn still life

Nikolay Yakovlevich Belyayev died on December 18, 2004 (Sergiev Posad, Moscow region). His works are in collections of the leading museums of the country. In particular in the State Russian Museum, museums of fine arts of the cities of Sofia and Pleven, as well as in private collections in the CIS and Europe.

Edik from Yerevan

Edik from Yerevan

Girl in red. 1959

Girl in red. 1959

Last attack. 1947

Last attack. 1947

Marina's portrait. 1964

Marina’s portrait. 1964

Not ready for the lesson. 1966

Not ready for the lesson. 1966

Pioneer. 1973

Pioneer. 1973

Portrait of wife Tamara. 1947

Portrait of wife Tamara. 1947

Self-portrait 'I am forty'. 1956

‘I am forty’. Self-portrait. 1956



Spring. Greenish. 1991

Spring. Greenish. 1991

Tamara, artist's wife. 1966

Tamara, artist’s wife. 1966

V.M. Zagorsky. 1947

V.M. Zagorsky. 1947

Visiting the pioneers. 1950

Visiting the pioneers. 1950

We are pioneers of the Soviet Union. 1950s

We are pioneers of the Soviet Union. 1950s

Woman in red. 1970

Woman in red. 1970

Young pianist

Young pianist